Bursa Osmangazi Municipality Natural Life Park Project
Small Ecoparks in the City
Spreading sustainable life to large masses: by showing that it is possible with examples, by encouraging it, by showing a road map to those who intend to transform, and by involving them in the transformation.
A place for people to meet, socialize, rest, eat and drink, experience activities and sustainable living solutions.
It can be scaled according to different site sizes and budgets, from a community garden on a few hundred square meters of land to a small ecopark on a few acres.
Community Garden
Küçük bir alanda gösterebileceğimiz, sunabileceğimiz çok şey var.
Doğal gıdaya erişmek isteyenler
Şehir koşturmasından nefes almak isteyenler
Okullar, gençler
Belediyeler (siz de yapabilirsiniz, çoklu fayda, sosyal sorumluluk)
Sürdürülebilir yaşamı öğrenmek isteyenler
Ekokafede doğal, lezzetli ve şifalı gıdalar sunuyoruz.
Ekoparkta iyileştirici çalışmalar:
Bahçecilik: doğal gıda üretimi, eğitimleri
Toprağı, doğayı tanıma
Ruh, beden sağlığı
Canlı, bereketli toprak elden etme, su tutma, temiz enerji, doğal yapılar, geri dönüşüm (kompost), gıda ormanı, balkon bahçeciliği örnekleri sunuyoruz.
Kırsaldaki üreticilerle bağlar kuruyoruz: ekokafeye, manav tezgahına, temiz gıda topluluğuna doğal ürünler ulaştırıyorlar. Belli günlerde ekopark meydanında köy pazarları kuruluyor. Ekoparktaki tezgahımızdan doğal ürünler alabilirsiniz. Temiz gıda ağımıza üye olarak her hafta mutfağınıza mevsimsel, doğal gıdalar temiz edebilirsiniz. Aracı olmadığından doğal ürünlere makul fiyatlarla erişebilirsiniz.
Sizler çayınızı, kahvenizi içerken çocuğunuz aktivite alanında toprağa tohum atıyor, sonraki ziyaretlerinizde tohumdan bitkiye ve meyveye dönüşümü takip ediyor, bahçeciliğe ilk adım atıyor. Hareket ediyor, enerji yakıyor.
Okullara, gençlere erişim: ekoparklarda birlikte bahçecilik çalışmaları yürütüyoruz, gençlerin bilgi ve beceri kazanmaları için eğitim, aktiviteler yapıyoruz.
Kendi yerel, ata tohumlarımızı çoğaltıyoruz, paylaşıyoruz. Tohum bankamızı büyütüyoruz.
Örnek ekopark tasarım modelleri oluşturduk.
Başarılı bir küçük ekoparkta olması gereken bileşenleri en doğru şekilde nasıl bir araya getirebiliriz sorusuna cevap aradık. Tasarım grubumuz farklı iklim ve coğrafyalara göre kişiselleştirilebilecek ama özünde benzer tasarım ve çalışmalar barındıracak örnek ekopark tasarımları yapıyor.
Kendi öz kaynaklarımızla, işletmesini de kendimizin yapacağı ekoparklar yanında; birey ve kurumlar için de ekopark tasarım, uygulama, danışmanlık hizmetleri sunuyoruz. Örneklerin hızla artması için imkanları geniş tutuyoruz.
Osmangazi Municipality, the central municipality of Bursa, is establishing an ecopark in the city as a social responsibility project.
Project Start, Roadmap:
The 'natural life' studies carried out at Belentepe Farm , within the borders of Osmangazi Municipality, also attract the attention of the municipality. First, the mayor, Mr. A short presentation is made to Mustafa Dündar about possible natural life projects. Then, potential land for a possible ecopark within the municipal borders is investigated. At the same time, a delegation consisting of deputy mayors and managers visits Belentepe Farm and examines the work done on the farm - this visit is important for similar work to be carried out in the ecopark.
Decisions are made on the fundamental issues that concern all of us, both in the Belentepe Farm and in the municipality's ecopark:
clean soil + clean water + clean air = clean food
It is obvious that an ecopark to be established in the city will provide many benefits. For this reason, the municipality included in its local election declaration that they wanted to establish such a park. After the decision to establish the ecopark is made, the municipality needs a road map. The road map we proposed and accepted by the municipality:
Determination of the natural life park land: It was decided that an ecopark could be established on a 50 decare area of the 100+ decare area where the municipality's animal shelter is currently located in Hamitler (with the consultancy and suggestion of permaculture expert Taner Aksel, owner of Belentepe Farm, Benko Ltd.).
It was decided that the design of the park would be based on permaculture design principles.
However, since both the municipality's science, parks and gardens department employees who will undertake the project, and the local people and institutions who will support the life and development of the ecopark do not yet know permaculture, it was decided to offer a 2-week ' Permaculture Design Certificate Course ' under the sponsorship of the municipality.
It was decided that this course would be open to the public, announced with posters on municipal boards, but participation would be limited to 100 people. Ultimately, 160+ people signed up to take the course and everyone was accepted to the course to ensure no one was left out.
Several benefits were achieved with the course introduction:
The importance the municipality attaches to sustainability was emphasized,
Educational opportunities were provided to people from different walks of life who wanted to be informed about natural life, gardening, natural structures, clean energy, etc.
The natural life park project started to be advertised earlier.
Course main topics:
Obtaining vibrant, fertile soil,
water retention,
natural gardening,
natural animal husbandry,
natural structures,
Clean energy,
food forest design
Sustainable living space design...
Taner Aksel was the head teacher of the course. Mustafa Bakır, one of the instructors of the Turkish Permaculture Network, and And Akman, an expert on ecological structures, also gave lectures.
In the second half of the permaculture design certificate courses, trainees are divided into groups and given a design project in which they can put the theoretical knowledge they learned in the course into practice.
Groups must organize among themselves and complete the project in general terms within one week.
With group work, you not only gain practice but also gain skills such as working together, sharing and helping each other.
Special to this course, the permaculture design project of the 'Natural Life Park', which the municipality plans to establish, was given to the groups as a project.
The land where the project will be carried out was visited and the envisaged and desired things in the project were explained. The existing infrastructure was shown and then the groups were asked to explore to prepare their own projects.
In permaculture projects, various issues such as local climatic conditions, beneficial/harmful situations/structures in the vicinity, local resources, water retention, soil structure, existing plant structure are investigated and solutions are found in the light of these. The groups organized among themselves, conducted these researches in their spare time and realized their own designs.
On the last day of the course, groups present their projects and explain their designs.
Very valuable information was obtained from these studies for the final project. While this project was promoted, the team that could work in the project infrastructure was trained, the relevant public was educated, and valuable information was obtained for the Preliminary Natural Life Park Project.
In permaculture studies, solutions that will create more than one benefit are sought.
At the end of the course, the trainees received their certificates from Bursa Osmangazi Municipality Mayor Mustafa Dündar. Both the trainees and Osmangazi Municipality expressed their satisfaction with this work.
Those who wanted to work together in Bursa during the course of the course organized among themselves and founded the Bursa Permaculture Collective. They carry out various activities, from working together to support each other's gardens to accessing clean food.
You can follow Bursa Permaculture Collective on Facebook .
Permaculture Design & Preliminary Project of Osmangazi Municipality Natural Life Park
The permaculture design and preliminary project contractor of the ecopark is Benko Ltd., owned by Taner Aksel. firm and the Preliminary Project work was undertaken in collaboration with Doğan Ümit Yücel Architecture firm.
The Natural Life Park concept (preliminary) project was designed according to permaculture principles. In this respect, it is quite different from normally realized modern projects. The relationships and benefits between all components to be included in the park are researched and the design is carried out. Among the components:
Soil (Rich and vibrant soil is obtained),
Water retention (As much water resources as possible are obtained by keeping all the rain falling on the land),
Clean Energy (Designs are made to obtain a significant portion of the energy needed within the park from sun, wind and soil heat),
Recycling (Almost all waste generated during park operation is intended to be recycled),
Gardening and Natural Food Production (A variety of foods are produced through gardens to be established),
Natural Animal Husbandry (Living spaces are designed for chickens, ducks, geese, sheep, and goats. Additionally, grazing areas are created in excursion and pastures for existing horses.)
Natural Buildings (Creating healthy, durable, pleasant living spaces using local and natural materials and ancestral knowledge)
The total area of the land where Bursa Osmangazi Municipality's Animal Shelter is located is approximately 11.5 hectares. There are olive groves in the southwestern part of this land, and pine/oak mixed forest areas in the north. These areas will not be included in the Natural Life Park design. A separate 'Natural Life Park' area arrangement is planned, which will be independent of the animal shelter and rehabilitation center located on the dominant hill in the middle of the land, and whose entrance will be from the TOKİ road in the north.
Studies will be carried out for possible permaculture applications on sloping land and in an area open to climatic conditions.
It is obvious that since the land is at a high elevation, it is not possible to grow all kinds of plants due to its difficulty in retaining water and its vulnerability to winds. Local villagers stated that olives and figs grow successfully on such hills.
Mıntıka Tasarımı:
İşlevsellik, en az enerji ile en verimli tasarım, üretim için mıntıka tasarımı gerçekleştirilir. Barınılacak, sürekli vakit geçirilecek yapılar 0 (sıfır) mıntıkasında konumlandırılır. 1. Mıntıkada sürekli yapılacak işler, sıkça ziyaret edilecek yerler konumlandırılır. Mıntıka numarası arttıkça alanlar büyür; daha seyrek gidilecek, daha az iş yapılacak yerler üst mıntıkalarda yer alır. Yukarıdaki harita üzerinde belirlenmiş alanlarda olası yerleşimler ve çalışmalar aşağıda listelenmiştir.
Arazi eşyüzey eğrilerine paralel olarak, kalın kahverengi çizgilerle gösterilmiş hatlarda hendek, teras ve gıda ormanı çalışmaları gerçekleştirilecektir. Hendeklerde yağışlarda toplanan sular göletlere aktarılacaktır.
Mıntıka 0:
Köy meydanı
Eğitim/Toplantı binası
Ürün sergi
Mıntıka 1:
Atölye, Banyo tuvaletler
Fide Sera(ları)
Sebze bahçesi
Solucan çiftliği
Tavuklar, ördekler
Mıntıka 2:
Açık alan toplantı mekanı
Hayvan barınakları
Az bakım isteyen sebzeler/ürünler
Mıntıka 3:
At, keçi gezinti parkuru
Hendeklerde Gıda ormanı, Hendekler arası mera
Gri Su geri dönüşüm havuzcukları
Mıntıka 4:
Hendeklerde meyve ve baklagil ağaçlar
Doğal orman alanı, bakım gerektirmeyen ağaçlar
Mantar üretimi
Kompost üretim alanı
Kamp alanı , Yürüyüş parkuru
Mera, Arıcılık
Rüzgar türbin
Mıntıka 5:
Doğal Orman
Odun, malç ihtiyacı
Yangına karşı önlem – yeni hendek
Bursa Osmangazi Municipality continues its efforts to establish this ecopark with its own resources. For information: Osmangazi Municipality Ecological Life Center Project
One of the main duties of municipalities is to develop social responsibility projects that will benefit the local people. Municipalities can undertake very important tasks by supporting the establishment of eco-settlements at different scales, from easy-to-establish community gardens to large eco-parks, depending on their means/budget. Many benefits can be obtained, especially for municipalities. Check out our work with municipalities pages. If you would like to carry out similar studies, contact us.