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With municipalities

  • Natural life is a cultural heritage.

  • We believe that it is our duty to protect this cultural heritage, keep it alive and leave it to future generations.

All these;


Clean Water + Clean Air + Clean Soil = Clean Food

goes through inference.

A person's nutrition with the products he plants, grows and grows with natural methods, his relationship with the soil in this process, and his socialization during planting create physiologically and psychologically healthy individuals.

One of our ethical principles is to protect, develop and transfer the natural life knowledge and experiences inherited from our ancestors to future generations.

One of the main duties of municipalities is to develop social responsibility projects that will benefit the local people. Municipalities can undertake very important tasks by supporting the establishment of eco-settlements at different scales, from easy-to-establish community gardens to large eco-parks, depending on their means/budget. Many benefits can be achieved, especially for municipalities:

  • It is one of the most beneficial social responsibility projects.

  • It enables people to have a pleasant time in natural habitats in the city and to gain knowledge and skills, especially gardening.

  • Supports rural areas: training and activities are organized to support rural natural products production. It supports the livelihood of the rural people by creating a market for natural products in the city.

  • It provides city dwellers with access to natural products without intermediaries and at reasonable prices.

  • Clean food networks are established. Clean food is ensured in the kitchens.

  • The importance of soil and nature is realized through gardening activities. It is also physical and mental health.

  • Solutions are offered for people to transform their own living spaces with examples of sustainable living.

  • It offers examples of possible solutions to climate change.

2 examples of our work with municipalities:

If you would like to engage in similar studies and get support from us, please contact us:

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