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Earth United
2 yıldır geli ştirmekte olduğumuz Earth United sürdürülebilirlik platformumuz hazır.
Earth United bireylerin ve yerel toplulukların kendi kendilerine yetebilmelerini, sürdürülebilir ve dirençli olmalarını sağlayabilmek için çözümler sunuyor.
Human beings are increasing exponentially and consuming and destroying natural resources; It is increasingly disrupting and destroying the balance and cycles of the world. Extraordinary disasters that are increasingly occurring in nature are a result of the damage we are causing to nature and are also a warning. As humanity, we are moving on the wrong path and we have begun to experience the damages of this mistake. Either we will transform towards a sustainable understanding of life that preserves the balance and cycles of nature; or very difficult days await us, the new generations.
Rather than realizing the damage we are causing to nature and contributing to the growth of the problem; We focus on being a solution, on what we can, on what we can do. Thus, we preserve and increase hope. As individuals, we can do things that will primarily benefit ourselves, but also benefit nature and society. If more people start doing it, we can turn the problem into a solution and raise hope. Eco-settlements will provide important services as centers where nature and people heal and hope flourishes.
We provide professional, holistic design, implementation and consultancy services to those who want to bring their own living spaces to life.
We organize various trainings to increase our knowledge, skills and experience: natural gardening, natural structures, clean energy, permaculture design, etc. Click for detailed information about our courses.
Eco Living Spaces
We design and build our living spaces that are as self-sufficient as possible, in harmony with nature.
Your requests
For your requests, questions and suggestions, you can fill out the form below and send it to us.
Our Ecocampus Center
Belentepe Farm, Bursa, Uludağ