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Our Company Structure

As a result of our responsibility to ourselves, our children and future generations, we strive to transform ourselves and then our environment towards sustainable living by joining forces as much as we can. We launched UMUT to create opportunities for joint work and cooperation with everyone with similar intentions.

our vision

  • To research sustainable and value-added business opportunities and make studies/investments that preserve the balance and cycles of nature and aim to leave a more livable world to future generations.

  • A competitive but also collaborative, profitable, entrepreneurial company.

  • We attach importance to gaining knowledge and experience, cooperation and innovation.

Our Mission

  • Umut company is a business-based socio-economic and cooperative initiative founded by people who realize the importance and value of the resources that nature offers for human life and who have come together to take transformation steps towards a sustainable life in harmony with nature. It is committed to the protection and improvement of nature and ecosystems, but also to collaborative regeneration and customer satisfaction.

  • To create examples of sustainable living spaces, eco-settlements, and to cooperate with those doing similar work.

  • Democratic methods, cooperation and solidarity are at the forefront in organization and management.

  • Combining social, business and personal development; It emphasizes participation in management, profit sharing and partnership.

  • It attaches special importance to education and innovation in order to improve our human and technological skills.

Basic Principles:

The world has borders and limited natural resources. Exponential proliferation and consumption cannot be sustained in a limited environment – natural balance and cycles are disrupted; collapse occurs. Pollution, soil/nature/ecosystem loss, extinction of species, diseases, social unrest, floods/droughts/storms/forest fires/extreme heat/cold = climate change… are all symptoms of humanity's exponential behavior. Approximately 90% of the global energy need is met by fossil fuels, and with the exponentially increasing fossil fuel consumption, an increasing amount of various gases, especially carbon dioxide, are released into the air. Carbon dioxide and methane gases released into the air by various human activities have caused climate change. Climate change is the most important and serious problem facing humanity. The situation that the majority of scientists agree on is this: if we do not urgently abandon the consumption of fossil fuels, climate change will accelerate beyond control and the global temperature increase may reach up to 4-5 degrees - which means the end of life as we know it on earth.

Even though it is depressing, it is useful to know what is happening in nature around us, both near and far, and its reasons. This information may be important when making decisions about our own and our children's future.

There is an urgent need to change and transform the current situation. Transformation begins with the individual, and if an increasing number of individuals begin to transform, the hope and possibility of social transformation also increases. It is necessary to focus on what we can do individually and collectively about sustainability. There is a solution.

Sustainability is an indispensable part of Umut A.Ş.'s values, vision and responsibility to its customers. Sustainable products, services and relationships are part of the company's strategy and brand. Principles we follow:

  • Company products and services should help solve social problems and support sustainable living both locally and globally.

  • As a requirement of financial sustainability, the company will pursue profit while achieving its social, ethical and environmental goals and activities.

  • We define sustainability, social responsibility and ethical conditions within the company and in our relationships with all our partners, stakeholders and suppliers who do business with us.

  • We strive to prevent social collapse and criminal activities in our internal operations.

  • Transformation Inc. The company will be transparent in its management in accordance with local and international standards.


In order to implement the above principles, sufficient human and economic resources must be transferred to education. Transformation to sustainable living trainings are organized. It is mandatory for everyone in management to have taken the 'Sustainable Living Certificate Course'.

It is very important to raise the awareness of young people and their participation in sustainable living activities. Schools and teachers will have important leadership in this area. Joint, social studies should be carried out with teachers. It should be ensured that teachers and students take sustainable living courses, and experienced teachers should also give sustainable living courses.


Sustainable living spaces design and implementation studies are carried out. It can be scaled from garden designs to ecovillages.

Consultancy and support is provided to campuses engaged in natural production in rural areas. Studies are carried out to make the products of rural producers added value.


We believe that the transformation to a sustainable life is only possible with collective effort, cooperation and sharing; because:

The first to benefit from the asset produced by this initiative should be those who provide the workforce. We prefer to bring on partners rather than salaried employees. We aim to provide job opportunities to all company members.


Business development and capital are necessary to make ends meet.

• Must be fair when reaching capital

• There must be sufficient capital to obtain the necessary resources

• Limited by relevant regulations

• There must be a balance between labor force and capital in proportion to earnings

• Capital is required for the development and continuation of the company.


  1. Consultancy, design and implementation (consultancy services provided to individuals and organizations who want to develop sustainability projects)

  2. Education (courses, workshops, seminars, etc. and printing of books, guides, etc.)

  3. Business (development and management of additional villages, eco-campuses, eco-parks, community gardens and similar businesses in which the company will be the owner or stakeholder)

  4. Distribution (sales and marketing of products of stakeholders who produce in accordance with the company philosophy and standards)

  5. Communication (promotion of our vision and mission, media)

  6. Investment (participation through financial or other methods in economic initiatives in line with the company philosophy to the extent that it meets the financial sustainability criteria)

© 2021 Belentepe Farm & Benko Ltd.

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